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K.P. Powell
Actor - Writer - Director
Acting Resume
Directing Resume
Some Press:
"'Henry IV, Part 1' was especially enhanced by the electric turns of Brandon Carter as Hal and K.P. Powell as the prince’s soldier-rival, Hotspur, who exists on a kind of testosterone overload...the actors clashed with a dazzling athleticism, as well as a perceptive command of the emotions churning within each of them." - Henry IV Pt. 1
Peter Marks - The Washington Post
"Powell stressed the physical power that this Macbeth exerted upon the world...Once this Macbeth was focused, he looked and perhaps was unbeatable." - Macbeth
Dr. Peter Kirwan
"Robblee and Powell are an absolute blast. Powell’s comic delivery, facial expressions, and overall ease complement Robblee’s compelling Beatrice....They are ideal casting" - Much Ado About Nothing
Susan D. Harper - On Stage Colorado
"Anchoring this production is K.P. Powell’s turn as the Dark Scot...Powell’s panic at the ghostly consequences of his string of as visceral and panic-stricken as I have ever seen." - Macbeth
Andrew Walker White - DC Theater Arts
"K.P. Powell does a thoroughly commendable job as the sometimes fierce, sometimes cowering Macbeth, interpreted with an irrepressible warmth...Powell, to my memory, may very well be the only likeable Macbeth.
CM Gorey - C-VILLE Weekly
"Powell is a devilish delight as the power-hungry Earl...Oozing diabloical boldness" -Henry VI Pt. 1
Matthew J. Palm - Orlando Sentinel
"Young George Gibbs, who can seem feckless and empty-headed in the wrong hands, was provided with a beguiling sense of fun by K. P. Powell." - Our Town
P.J. O'Rourke - New Hampshire Magazine
"Powell gets Mardonius’ nobility, but more importantly, his shrewdness; you can see, by the way Powell moves his head and eyes, how Mardonius is calculating his room to maneuver." - A King and No King
Tim Treanor: DC Theatre Scene
"Powell’s performance is well executed as it leads off with anecdotes of Marshall’s early life...His delivery is impressive, composed of a fluid continuity that seamlessly transitions from decade to decade as the character ages." - Thurgood
Kevin Evans: Asheville Stages
"...the villa’s owner Anthony Wilding (K.P. Powell) add(s) more charm and romance to the mix to make 'Enchanted April' totally enchanting."- Enchanted April
Judy Harrison: Bangor Daily News
"KP Powell is marvelous as Thomas Jefferson. His powerful tenor voice soars in “But, Mr. Adams” and “The Egg.” His argument scene with...Adams is dynamic" - 1776
Tony Annicone: Theater Mirror
"Slender only speaks three lines in this scene...The gag has never made sense to me on the page and has never worked on a stage--until now...Powell scores the scene's exit laugh." - The Merry Wives of Windsor
Eric Minton: Shakespeareances
"K.P. Powell in the role of devilish painter Clarke offers up big laughs from his preposterous murder formulas to his sidesplitting use of protective glasses."- The Arden of Faversham
CM Gorey: C-ville Weekly
"Atticus has been assigned an unwinnable case - that of Tom Robinson (a heartbreakingly fine [KP] Powell)" - To Kill A Mockingbird
Andrea Braun: The Vital Voice

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